Online Courses

Get lifetime access to multi-class courses that focus on healing the symptoms related to developmental and relational trauma in a supportive, pre-recorded video format.

Want to feel safe and settled in yourself and your relationships?

Looking to heal insecure attachment patterns but aren’t sure where to start?

Curious as to how creating secure inner attachment could help rewire your nervous system to feel secure and settled all around?

Purchase six sessions of guided content and exercises to learn to relate to yourselves and others more securely, heal old traumatic patterns and how to incrementally move out your nervous system out of surviving and into thriving through building security inside.

*Course workbook included.

WEEK 1- What Happened to You: Why You’re Not Broken and How Security Heals

WEEK 2 - Unmet Needs and Missing Experiences: How Triggers Point us to our Trauma and What Skilled Rupture and Repair Look Like

WEEK 3 - Feelings are Information - Skills for Self-Regulating and Learning to Uncouple Big Emotions from Fear

WEEK 4 - Becoming Emotionally Available: Learning about the Conditions for Connection and How to Connect Vulnerably while Keeping your Heart Safe

WEEK 5 - Beyond Shame: Learning to Heal Negative Core Beliefs and Feelings of “Not Good Enough” through Radical Self-Acceptance

WEEK 6 - Limits and Lines: Learning to Self-Protect with Love and How to Move Beyond Guilt and Fear of Others with Embodied Boundaries

Price: $239.00

Interested in healing your relationship with yourself and learning how to connect deeply with your authentic truth?

Struggle with self-defeating or self-critical thoughts?

Feel unworthy, not enough or too much no matter what you do or how you show up?

Purchase four sessions of deep but gentle content and exercises to reclaim and reconnect with the parts of you that feel unlovable, unworthy and in need of care and while learning to welcome ALL of you back Home.

*Course Workbook included.

WEEK 1 — Reclaiming Our Right to Exist: How to reestablish a relationship with ourselves after trauma and live fully in the life that is ours.

WEEK 2 — Shame as a Strategy: How we disconnect from ourselves to stay safe and how to let go of stories of ‘not enough’, ‘too much’ and ‘unworthy’.

WEEK 3 — Accepting Our Selves: How to accept all of who we are and help our-selves feel safe to be seen in the world.

WEEK 4 — Connecting with Ourselves: Learning to listen, tune in to and deeply connect with ourselves through eradicating criticism, doubt, judgement and blame.

Price: $159.00