Come Home
Reconnect, reclaim and recover the self you’ve always wanted to love and know.
Do you sometimes…
Wonder what it means to “love yourself fully” ?
Carry around a silent belief that nothing you do or could ever be will be good enough?
Feel like you’re too much, especially in relationships?
Wish you could just spend one day feeling comfortable and at ease in your own skin?
Wonder if everyone feels the way you do or if there’s some rule book you missed out on?
Feel unclear or uncertain about "who you are”, “what your strengths are” or “what makes you tick” ?
Want to express yourself creatively but feel blocked or stuck when you try?
Wonder if there’s a bigger meaning to your life or if this is all there is?
Feel confused about your feelings, emotions, behaviors and want more clarity about why they show up?
Struggle with self-defeating, self-sabotaging or self-limiting thoughts and fears?
Feel resigned to that fact that feeling good is just for other people but not, it seems, for you?
Wish you could land the partner/job/family/home/income/body etc. that you long for in hopes that you’ll finally feel happy and fulfilled?
If so…
Feeling disconnected from ourselves can be so incredibly painful.
Whether we feel this sense of inner loneliness all the time, inside our closest relationships or only in our quiet moments, the way we feel toward and inside of ourselves influences our entire life, from how we show up, to what we believe, to the patterns we play out in our lives and more.
I know this struggle deeply. I’ve also spent a lot of time in an unsettled, insecure relationship with myself, my inner world, my body and my needs throughout my life.
As if often the case for those of us who carry complex or developmental trauma.
But with over a decade of experience, personally and professionally, I’ve also learned a great amount about what keeps us from loving and connecting with ourselves, how to work with and move through feelings of shame and how our earliest life experiences impact how we feel and relate to ourselves as adults.
Which is why I built this course, to help and support you in navigating your own Homecoming - the experience of landing fully back inside ourselves after trauma or heartbreak - with ample amounts of compassion, guidance and love.
Join us for 6 weeks as we explore together what it means to accept, connect and love the life that is ours.
Do you….
Struggle with feeling unworthy or like you’re either ‘not enough’ or ‘too much’ frequently in your life?
Often struggle in relationships to feel both loved and free at the same time or find yourself replaying the same wounds out over and over again with different people?
Find yourself struggling with either feelings of anxiety and stress or depression and emptiness?
Wish you felt more comfortable in your own skin or loving of who you are?
Feel overly self-conscious of how you show up in the world and interactions so much so that you often play small or shy away from opportunities you’d love to take?
Often doubt or question yourself and your decisions, sometimes to the point of feeling frozen?
Judge, criticize or shame yourself regularly for all kinds of things, including, but not limited to, the way you look?
Have a tense relationship with food or other forms of self-soothing that feel like one more thing you shame yourself for?
This course is for anyone who struggles to feel whole, settled and comfortable inside themselves and is wanting to move beyond self-shaming and self-blaming patterns that keep them feeling stuck, disconnected and discontent in their relationships and lives.
How it Works
Each class will run 1.5 hours long. Because each class has already been recorded, you are free to work through them at your own comfort and pace.
A class workbook will be on your course page for you to work through and access each week between class to augment and enrich your in-class experience.
During the recordings, you can expect a combination of course content, embodied exercises, interactive parts dialogues and recorded Q&A from previous attendees during and at the end of each class.
Course Content
Week 1: Reclaiming Ourselves - How to reestablish a relationship with ourselves after trauma and live fully in the life that is ours.
In week one we will begin to explore the ways we have disconnected from our embodied self and experience in order to stay safe and venture into embodied practices that help us reconnect with and reclaim our body, our life and our truest sense of self after adversity and trauma.
Week 2: Why We Shame Ourselves - How we disconnect from ourselves to stay safe and how to let go of stories of ‘not enough’, ‘too much’ and ‘unworthy’.
In week two we will do a deep dive into the shame stories and patterns surround our sense of self that lead to us feeling unworthy, inadequate and judgmental toward ourselves. We will unpack how shame is a strategy to manage attachment and learn how we can stay both safe and connected to ourselves without needing to play small, perform or make ourselves wrong for being how we are.
Week 3: Accepting Our Selves - How to accept all of who we are and help our-selves feel safe to be seen in the world.
In week three we will begin to look at how we reject and hide certain parts of ourselves to appear more acceptable to others but how this, ultimately, disconnects us from ourselves and leads to a sense of self-rejection in the process. We will also learn how to accept, be with and integrate the experiences we’re having while also honoring our needs and desires around growth and change without shame.
Week 4: Connecting with Ourselves - Learning to listen, tune in to and deeply connect with ourselves through emotional availability.
In week four we will explore the principles of safe self-connection to undo patterns of emotional unavailability so present in our ways of relating and replace them with skills that not only help us feel safe inside ourselves but lead to deeper connection, greater understanding and more, not less, awareness of our patterns, needs, wants and beliefs. Ultimately, we will learn how to create a secure connection to ourselves that will become the bedrock for all our other important relationships as well.
What is embodied healing?
Embodied healing posits the idea that through paying mindful attention to our felt experience, we can learn to not only listen to but understand our bodies and all the signals we receive in order to create deeper, more meaningful relationships with ourselves and others through them.
In learning to reconnect to our bodies, we also learn to reconnect with the sensations, emotions and urges inside of us, giving us a better, more complex understanding of ourselves and what we need to feel good, safe and secure inside of each moment.
Through engaging with ourselves more intentionally, we can not only access some of our deeper feelings and needs that are currently unmet, but also learn to bring our tools for understanding and awareness into our relationships with others, creating more safe and secure containers outside of our internal world as well.
This approach is mindfulness-based and somatically oriented with an attachment-specific focus that helps to create the internal sense of safety we need in order to feel secure in who we are.
Your relationship to yourself is your home base.
Let’s make it a healthy, sturdy one.
Whether early childhood trauma and adversity impacted your ability to feel loving and accepting of yourself or you experienced something later in adulthood that altered your perception of yourself significantly, your relationship to yourself can shift.
With intention, guidance and consistency, your home inside can become one of safety, love, attention and care rather than one filled with shame, guilt, worry, judgment and conflict - all the ways of relating to ourselves that leave us feeling unworthy, unlovable and inadequate in our core.
When we do this, we not only learn to feel safer in the world but also in ourselves, and this often described as a feeling of “coming home”, where all is well, we can rest and everything feels comfortable and okay.